samples Examples
HTML5 Player Examples
Below you can find demos and code examples for different implementation of Slike Player

Basic Player

This demo shows the basic implementation of Slike player for standalone videos where you can play or pause the video, adjust the player volume, select the video quality, control the playback speed, watch the video in fullscreen, replay the video after completion or fetch information about the video being played. You can also refer advanced implementation of the player which includes various playlist modes and Live TV.

Advanced Players

Playlist - Bottom Shelf

This demo shows the Slike Player's playlist shelf at the bottom of the player with multiple playlist items cards in a horizontally scrollable view.
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Playlist - Right Panel

This demo displays the Slike Player's playlist shelf at the right of the player with multiple items in a scrollable list.
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Mini TV

This demo shows the Slike Player preview mode which pops up on the screen.
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